Friday, May 27, 2011

Bible in 90 Days

On Sunday, June 5, we will kick off our summer reading of “The Bible in 90 Days.” Our goal is to read the Bible cover to cover in 90 days. That is about 14 chapters each day (depending on the length of the chapters, of course). We will meet together once a week to watch a short video about the readings we have just completed, discuss what we have read, encourage each other, and prepare for the next week’s reading. We will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 (If you are interested but have a timing conflict, please let me know. There may be enough interest to add an additional time).
Our main textbook is the Bible itself, and we will be using the New International Version. You may use your own Bible, or you may purchase a specific “Bible in 90 Days” Bible (this is a large print NIV Bible structured so that each reading is 12 pages long. The content is the same as any NIV Bible). Each participant will have a participant’s guide which contains reading and discussion questions as well as overviews of each book in the Bible ($8 suggested donation).
Send a message to me to sign up for the course or to ask any additional questions. For more information about the program including videos and testimonials, please explore the website

Friday, May 13, 2011

May 15 - Nurturing a Trusting Attitude

It is not unusual for us to do good things and have them be overlooked or ignored, but suffering for doing good can be a bitter pill to swallow. How should we respond when a good deed is returned with a painful poke – or worse? Peter points us to Jesus as the example in whose footsteps we should follow. In light of Easter, Peter encourages us to nurture a Trusting Attitude – trusting in our God “who judges justly.” Join us Sunday, May 15, at 10:00 a.m.

Easter Attitudes

This is our sermon series based on 1 Peter from May 8 through June 5: