Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bible in 90 Days - Day 77 (John 15:18-Acts 6:7)

Lord God,
help us turn our hearts to you
and hear what you will speak,
for you speak peace to your people
through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
—based on Psalm 85:8

The opening of today’s reading (as well as the end of yesterday – chapter 14 and following) is the most specific teaching on the Holy Spirit (the Counselor, the Spirit of truth) we find in the Gospels.

Do you recognize yourself in Jesus’ prayer beginning in John 17:20? You should – we are among those who believe through their message!

Everything from Jesus’ arrest on has a unique flavor in John. Jesus is in complete control of the situation in very overt ways. Jesus goes to meet those coming to arrest him – he doesn’t wait for them to find him. Jesus speaks the first words, and obviously his words are powerful. Jesus has more to say to the Jewish leaders in John, and Jesus’ conversation with Pilate in John makes Pilate squirm. John shows that Jesus willingly puts himself under Pilate’s judgment, clearly showing Pilate that he only has the authority that was given to him from above. Jesus carries his own cross. From the cross he still cares for his mother. He says, “It is finished,” then he hands over his spirit.

We now begin the history of the church after the resurrection and ascension of Christ. Luke is the author of Acts. I’m struck that the disciples still don’t grasp what Jesus is doing. Their last question before he ascends is, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” They still think he has returned to stay in his present form. He gives one more introduction to the Holy Spirit before he ascends.

The gift of the Holy Spirit is very evident here. Peter’s sermon (and the ones that follow), without a doubt, is divinely inspired. So are the results. 3000 believe! We never saw anything like that during Jesus’ life. It is important to note that the next thing we see is their life in community. Jesus is building his church, not simply adding individuals to the believer list. Our faith may have a personal dimension, but it is never private or meant to be lived out privately. This is why Reformed Christians talk about “personal faith” in Jesus as Lord and Savior, but generally don’t refer to Jesus as their “personal Lord and Savior.”

In Acts 3:22 Peter confirms directly that Jesus is the Prophet like Moses. Who is this clear-speaking Peter? This is Holy Spirit filled Peter. The number of believers goes up to 5000. What is the compelling message? Jesus is The One.

I love the prayer request in Acts 4:29 – “Enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.” Then comes the answer in verse 31: “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” All of today’s reading really brings to life what is meant by “preaching boldly”!

Interesting note: “Solomon’s Porch” is a name that some new churches are using. This comes from the meeting place of the early Christians in Acts 5:12 (Colonnade = Portico = Porch).

Our reading today finishes with the establishment of the office of deacon in the church, one we still practice.

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