Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Seeking God's Glory - praying with the Church

It is a blessing to be able to pray alongside God's people through the ages. Sometimes their words are what we wanted to say, but we couldn't express it ourselves. Sometimes their words are the words that we should be praying, but we didn't even realize it. God uses others' prayers to shape us and our prayers. This prayer is attributed to W. Perkins in A.W. Pink's book The Lord's Prayer. I'm also including a quote from that book from Pink himself that ends with a prayer. May God kindle our prayers and our lives as we pray with these brothers. 

O Lord, open our eyes that we may know Thee aright and may discern Thy power, wisdom, justice, and mercy; and enlarge our hearts that we may sanctify Thee in our affections, by making Thee our fear, love, joy, and confidence; and open our lips that we may bless Thee for Thine infinite goodness; yea, O Lord, open our eyes that we may see Thee in all Thy works, and incline our wills with reverence for Thy name appearing in Thy works, and grant that when we use any one of them, that we may honor Thee in our sober and sanctified use thereof. Amen
(W. Perkins quoted by A.W. Pink in The Lord’s Prayer). 

“It is now obvious why this is the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer, for it provides the only legitimate basis for all our other requests. The glory of God is to be our chief and great concern. When we offer this petition to our heavenly Father, we are saying, ‘Whatever comes to me, however low I may sink, no matter how deep the waters be through which I may be called to pass, Lord, magnify Thyself in and through me.’” (A.W. Pink. in The Lord's Prayer)

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